
I wrote myself a letter, but maybe it can be for you too

Image: Unsplash @daigaellaby
Image: Unsplash @daigaellaby

I decided to write a letter to myself, yes, myself — a letter 

I’ll start at the beginning. I’ll talk to myself with love and compassion, the way I’d talk to my best friend 

Am I my own best friend? Well, that’s a philosophical question 

But if I spoke to myself, the way I’d treat my best friend

I’d only have nice things to say, comforting things 

I’d say things like “Look how far you’ve come,” and, “You’ve got this, you can do this.”

I’d feel my friend’s pain, almost as if it were my own 

I’d want to help her fight her own fights and battle her own battles 

I’d be there for her, the way a friend should be 

I’d act as her sounding board, sit quietly and just listen 

I’d want the very best for her. I’d want to see her soar 

So next time I find myself talking to myself differently, negatively 

I’ll remember my friend and how I’d talk to her 

How I’d be willing to go out of my comfort zone to help put her at ease 

How I’d be willing to do whatever it takes so her heart can be at rest 

I’d do anything, really, just to see a smile forming 

A ray of light and sunshine, hope and positivity

If I could I’d take away her fear, I’d fill it with happy birds singing 

And if I could take away her struggle, I’d do it with the utmost sensitivity 

Keeping her secrets close, trusting her with my presence, letting her know it was ok

Whatever it was, it was ok

Whatever it was, it was ok.

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