
Hope and light: A prayer for you

Image: Unsplash @oliverhinh
Image: Unsplash @oliverhinh

May you walk in peace even when your heart is shaking

May you never feel fearful or alone, never feel distant or afraid 

May you always remember that even as you walk in shadows, with not a light in sight, that the light inside you will illuminate your spirit 

May you always get up after you fall, knowing instinctively that you are far stronger than you will ever realise 

May rays of light follow you like rainbows, a constant aura of positivity and worthiness 

May you find the right people, the right help, the right life partner, and find the strength within you to fall into their arms at your most vulnerable and tell them you are not ok

May you always feel understood, even when you have a thousand conflicting emotions and no resolution in sight 

May you believe in yourself always, when you have a reason to be believe or not 

May you allow yourself the gift of true happiness, allow yourself to feel good, to feel alive, vibrant and purposeful 

May you remember that it’s your strength that defines you, like an inner guiding light, lighting the way 

May you feel safe during those times you feel completely out of control 

May you feel loved. May the people in your life treat you the way they would if it were your last day on earth

May you learn to love yourself, treat yourself with trust and compassion 

May you attract good things only, become a positivity magnet that follows you around 

May you learn to laugh, to embrace life for the good and the hard 

May you be happy here, in this moment, with nothing more and nothing less

Audio format – A prayer for you


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