
101 helpful things to do if you’re feeling down in the dumps

woman in red leaves during daytime
Photo by Dimitry Zub on Unsplash

We’ve all been there, right? Woken up to days that just turn out…’BLAH’. Neither terrible or amazing, just downright, frustratingly B-L-A-H. I love creating lists, so I’ve put together a comprehensive one for all the disappointing days you may encounter. Here are a bunch of ways to combat that dreaded feeling of getting nowhere, and chase it away completely if you’re lucky. You can do this!

Get it out

Vent, write it out, type it out, ramble about it to a good friend, listen to music that gets you, speak to people that get you, walk ‘n talk with a friend, pound the pavement to your own personal soundtrack, drive alone to loud, pumping music, or slow soulful music, or music that feels you, stat. Go for a swim, go to the beach and breathe in the saltiness, watch a sunset, go to a bookshop and read other people’s stories, write your own story, be brave and tell yourself: this too shall pass.

Get Creative

Doodle, draw, paint, colour in pages in a book, practice some fancy lettering, make something out of clay, cook something inventive or comforting or just plain delicious, bake, reorganise your closet, put together new fun outfit ideas, connect with nature, put on music and just move your body the way you feel, dance, jump rope, make lists, fill in your planner, organise stuff, make a playlist, clean, look through photo albums, write poetry, knit, do a puzzle, look through cook books and ear mark the pages, think of new ways to do familiar things, solve problems.

Get your self care on track

Take a good, long, hot shower, drink heaps of water, make a yum smoothie, eat the rainbow, experiment with new skin care products, play around with your makeup, wear perfume that you love, put on a face mask, go to sleep early, get fresh air, follow a yoga tutorial online, take time out to be alone, breathe, get changed into your comfiest pj’s, brush your hair, put on some cozy house socks, read, flip through a magazine, watch a stupid but charming romantic comedy, treat yourself, be kind to yourself, forgive yourself for feeling blah.

After all, blah days don’t last forever.

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