
A gift for you: The gift of time

Image: Unsplash @kiraaufderheide
Image: Unsplash @kiraaufderheide

I’d like to give you a gift – the gift of time

It comes with the gift of space – two of the most valuable gifts you’ll ever receive

The gift of time is for you alone

It is a gift that allows you all the time you need and more

To process anything big or small that has happened to you

Coupled with the gift of space, you will have both the time to reflect and the space to feel anything that may rise to the surface

The gift of time can take place anywhere, whenever you have even a moment free to yourself

The gift of space should ideally be a space that is solely yours, a space of solitude

For it is only with these two gifts that  we can truly be ourselves, that we can show up exactly as we are

Please accept my gifts, and tuck them away somewhere special

And when the occasion presents itself slowly unwrap these gifts, savouring each moment

Return to these gifts as needed, make them into something sacred, something just for you

And if you feel like it, share bits and pieces of the reflections you’ve discovered using your time and space

Let a loved one in

For when time and space are shared, they turn into a shared experience

And is there anything in the entire world that is better than that?

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