
Catching the kindness cold: 50 small things to try right now

Catching Kindness Cold
Image: Unsplash @Daiga Ellaby

Anyone heard of contagious kindness? With all this virus talk still floating in the air, I’ve decided to create a kindness list. Here are my top 50 ways to catch the kindness cold, and pass it on, too.

  1. Practice being grateful for the little things
  2. Let someone cut in front of you in traffic
  3. Slow down for someone to cross the road
  4. Say thank you
  5. Say hi to people you know, but not well
  6. Leave surprise sticky notes for your significant other
  7. Buy someone flowers
  8. Compile a Spotify playlist for someone having a hard time
  9. Write a love letter
  10. Look the Coles cashier in the eye when you thank them
  11. Send a friend a Facebook message with lots of emojis
  12. Send someone outside of your circle a voice note just because you’re thinking of them
  13. Bake someone cupcakes and deliver them with a note
  14. Offer to make someone dinner
  15. Leave a tip in your favourite cafe’s tip jar
  16. Thank the weekly maintenance guy in your building
  17. Offer to take your friend’s kids out
  18. Treat the stranger behind you to their coffee
  19. Hold the door open
  20. Give genuine compliments
  21. Spend time with your nieces or nephews and take a personal interest in their stories
  22. Order someone a surprise gift and get it sent to their address
  23. Buy someone a magazine subscription
  24. Surprise your mum with that mug you know she had her eye on
  25. Smile more, rush less
  26. Write thank you cards to the people who have helped you
  27. Handwrite a letter and send it by snail mail
  28. Make something crafty for someone special
  29. Share your story so others feel less alone
  30. Make someone a cup of tea
  31. Make your partner a hot water bottle
  32. Drop off soup at someone in need
  33. Be genuine, and actively take an interest in people
  34. Offer to do someone’s errands
  35. Create a public free book library
  36. Call a friend and have a solid catch up
  37. Offer to carry a stranger’s groceries to their car
  38. Reach out to that one friend who needs to hear someone cares about them
  39. Lend someone your favourite book, and then arrange a catch up session to delve into your joint opinions on it
  40. “Like” the status of someone you’re not friends with in real life
  41. Make the world smaller by reaching out to your international friends
  42. Buy someone a gift voucher to their favourite cafe
  43. Listen without judgement to people and what they’re going through
  44. Offer someone a ride who you know doesn’t drive
  45. Visit someone in hospital and just be there for them
  46. Tell someone something you’ve always wanted to tell them, but never have
  47. Start a difficult conversation and be open and encouraging
  48. Be a friendly neighbour
  49. Send someone a song that reminds you of them
  50. Be kind to yourself — you matter too

One Response

  1. This is wonderful Chanee. All these great tips to chose from. I’m going to start to use them one by one from tomorrow. ❤️?

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