
How my Lockdown Wardrobe Challenge made me rethink minimalism

Wardrobe pile clothes
Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

Lockdown Wardrobe Challenge

I have a confession to make: I own too many clothes. I’m not proud of it, but it’s true. I harp on about why possessions don’t equal happiness, and why the concept of minimalism is attractive to me, but in truth, I don’t practice what I preach. And I’m starting to feel like a bit of a traitor.

I have too many clothes, because I buy too many clothes. And I buy too many clothes, because I love fashion, but I also love shopping. There, I said it. You heard it here first.

My lightbulb moment happened this past Shabbat, after rearranging my closet for the hundredth time. It struck me that I own a huge wardrobe of clothing, but in reality, 70% of it doesn’t get worn more than a few times a year, if at all.

I don’t really have a reason for it, but I could pull out every excuse in the book. (Don’t we just love excuses?) And in the meantime, I am one of the laziest dressers on this planet — at least it feels that way.

Getting dressed each day feels like a chore, and I want it to feel fun again. I want to be able to express myself, and my mood, with my outfit creations.

So, I’ve created a challenge for myself, and have decided to make it public to keep myself accountable. The challenge? Buy nothing new for 6 weeks, and come up with inventive ways to wear things that have been hanging, unworn, for months.

I’m calling it my Lockdown Wardrobe Challenge, and I’ll be documenting my progress here on this blog, weekly, complete with photos of some of the outfits I put together.

So stick around, and feel free to join along, if you feel like it.

Lockdown Wardrobe, I’m coming for ya!


orange knit cap
Photo by Angela Bailey on Unsplash


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