
Finding freedom and keeping it: Why freedom runs deeper than we think

A year ago, no one would have known what the term ‘stage four restrictions’ meant. Today, everyone here in Melbourne, knows it all too well. And honestly? It sucks.

From a personal perspective, I had just gotten over the whole mask-wearing saga, and I was damn proud of myself for it, too. And now, just a few days later — this. It’s starting to feel suffocating, an experience I think we all know too well.

Tonight, 8pm hit, our first curfew went live, and I racked my brains for ways to get myself through this. This blog has always been more for myself than anyone else. Now, as I write this, it couldn’t be more true.

It did get me thinking about the notion of freedom, though. Can anyone really take away your freedom?

It all comes down to how you define it. Freedom, that is.

Maybe that’s the key, anyway. To highlight the freedom part, the part we do have left. Because, there is always something left, right?

Freedom is so often tied to movement, and having the ability to go where you want, when you want. Perhaps it’s time to reframe it a little.

To me, freedom is about movement, but it’s also about music, distractions, routine, creature comforts, writing and being creative.

But, above everything, freedom is about choice, and being able to decide when and how to do the things we love.

Freedom is choosing what to cook for dinner, and when to sit down to eat it. It’s choosing what to wear, and how to wear it. It’s choosing calm over clutter, and doing more of what makes you happy.

So can anyone really take away your freedom?

It certainly feels like they can. These restrictions do feel limiting, especially right now.

But, in reality? The freedom of choice is ours. We still have the choice to decide what to believe and how to experience it. We still have the choice to develop a freedom mindset, and live as if we have all the freedom in the world.

The freedom of choice will never be taken from us. It’s ultimately in our hands — yesterday, today and always.

selective focus photography of woman holding yellow petaled flowers
Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash


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