
A letter to the uninspired (yes, you)

pink umbrella
Photo by Erik Witsoe on Unsplash

So you’re feeling uninspired, huh?

You may be wondering how I know. Well, that part’s easy. You’ve been walking from the bed to the couch, the couch to the fridge and back to the couch again. And you’ve been wrapping yourself in throw blankets like they’re going out of style. See, easy, right?

What’s that you say? Something about the weather? Oh, do you mean the way the sky has opened up and poured out a year’s worth of rain, in…let me see — 3 days? Oh, yeah, there’s that. You have a point there. Lockdown and rain are never a good combination. In fact, they should be banned from hanging out together. Point taken.

But there’s more, isn’t there? I know you too well. It’s the lockdown, isn’t it?

You don’t need to answer that. The expression on your face says enough. Let me guess — you feel exasperated with it all, don’t you?

Well, of course you do. You, and the rest of the state. You’ve had enough of the line: “We’re in this together,”. Don’t worry, so have I. And every time you hear the phrase: “Contactless delivery,” you feel a grating annoyance. Because, let’s face it — you don’t want contactless delivery anymore. You want contact, you want people around. Am I right?

Hey — I get it, ok? You just want things to feel normal again. Scratch that, you want things to be normal again.

You want sunshine instead of rain. You want parties and get together’s that you can choose not to go to, instead of being told point blank that you can’t. Ok, ok, I’ll stop being sarcastic.

In all honesty, though, I get it. You want the world to stop spinning faster than a disco ball. You want your life back, or the best version of your life that’s available to you right now. Because I know you’ll take that, too.

Unfortunately, I can’t give that to you. But I can tell you this: just because your life feels existentially annoying right now, it doesn’t mean it will stay that way forever. I mean, forever is a pretty long time. And this will pass.

It may not end tomorrow, although, like you, I wish it would. But it will end, you just have to hang in there and believe.

You may be feeling uninspired now, and believe me, you have every reason to be, but life is transient, and so are emotions. You’ll come out the other end of this — we all will.

So hang in there, Little Miss The World Is Coming To An End. For every uninspired time — and there will be more, there will also be bright, busy and vibrant times, too.

Rain may be drenching your spirit right now, and that’s fair enough. But rain isn’t all bad, is it? It makes things grow.

One day, you’ll wake up and look out of the window and there will be tiny shoots of green on the bare branches. It will happen sooner than you can imagine, and when you see it you’ll know there is life that will form again.

So, hang tight, ok? Pretend the rain outside is an ambient, relaxing soundtrack — it may as well be. Be grateful for the roof over your head that shields you from it, and remember: this too shall pass.

There, I’ve said my piece. Now, go cocoon yourself in blankets and watch some stupid TV.

I’m off to provide morale to another uninspired person in lockdown.

Please don’t tell me you think you’re the only one!

autumn leaves on body of water
Photo by Hannah Domsic on Unsplash

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