Blog Day: September 29, 2020

green leafed plant

How becoming a plant whisperer during lockdown brought hope to unexpected places

It was March, autumn had well and truly set in, bringing with it bright, blustering winds and flying leaves, and heralding the start of lockdown 1.0 here in Melbourne. It was a confusing time, a time of change and uncertainty. I’ve never liked autumn — this year, though, I grew to despise it. Because along with the winds came turbulent change, and with the cool air and gloomy skies floated in a virus that felt scary and unpredictable, that seemed to grow in momentum with each passing day. I did everything I could to stay in control, to feel grounded amidst the change. Control is an illusion at the best of times, but this wasn’t the best of times, it was far from it, in fact. And I felt it.

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