
Top 5 pensive songs to listen to when you’re just plain sad

A different kind of post today. I’ve created my own playlist to share with you. Music is a huge part of my life. It’s something that’s lifted me in my joyful times, and made me feel understood in the times I was struggling. It’s always been the soundtrack to my life.

Music is a universal language, it’s a language accessible to everyone. It’s something we can all connect with. It helps us feel understood in reassuring and fundamental ways. And in a way, that alone is enough to help us feel connected to a greater whole, a bigger purpose.

The songs I’ve chosen to share are not bright and happy tunes, at least not to most people. But they are the kind of songs I connect with, the kind that makes me feel like there are other people in the world who ‘get’ me, even though we have never met, and probably never will.

In a way, this is one of my more personal posts, because it’s a window into my world – the world I’m living, not the one I try to portray to others.

All these songs are also part of an official Spotify playlist that I listen to when I write. To me, they are the perfect blend of pensive, thoughtful and inspiring. Music like this helps me think and feel, but it might do something very different for you. In any case, here it is: my first blog playlist.  If you’re in the mood, have a listen, and let me know what you think.


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