Blog Day: February 21, 2021

woman holding a cup of coffee at right hand and reading book on her lap while holding it open with her left hand in a well-lit room
Real Talk

The Productivity Treadmill: 3 reasons why you need to stop

You’re tired. You’ve done a lot — too much, in fact. You are busy making your way through list after list, wading through piles of ‘to-do’s,’ working yourself to the ground in the process — stop. Seriously, it’s time to stop. I know, because I’ve been there — too many times. It can feel almost addictive, running on the Productivity Treadmill. But the rush of energy isn’t endorphins — it’s adrenaline, and it’s likely to be pushing you over the edge. Does this sound like you, or something you’ve dealt with in the past? Here are 3 reasons why you need to get off the Productivity Treadmill, and allow yourself a ‘Get nothing done’ day.

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