
What keeps you up at night?

brown-and-white clocks
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Earlier this year, I took a copywriting course at the Australian Writers’ Centre. It was a great course, with a quirky, quick-witted teacher who spoke a mile a minute as she rattled off the weekly assessment feedback, and decided my name was pronounced “Shen-ee,” which she proceeded to call me confidently the entire course.

As part of the headline formulas, we learnt different methods for getting to the heart of what people want to click, read, purchase — and why. Our teacher, Bernadette, explained that copywriting was about solving people’s problems, big or small, or — what keeps them awake at night? By identifying the source of people’s problems or pain, we can counteract it by offering solutions.

So I’m wondering, if an expert marketer could read my mind and scan my list of worldly problems, and all the things that keep me awake at night, what would they come up with as click bait? How could they solve my problems? (Yes, I’m open to suggestions)

If you’re at all curious, here are some of the things that keep me awake at night (in no particular order):

  • Wondering if I forgot to lock the front door (even though I most likely checked it only a few minutes earlier)
  • Remembering cringe-worthy moments from my day (that are probably forgotten about by everyone else involved)
  • Thinking — did I leave the heater on too high? Or maybe — the kitchen light?
  • Item #3289 on my t0-do list that I neglected to key into my phone
  • Roundabout thinking —(you know the type)
  • Did I say the wrong thing? 
  • Wondering why my hands have remained dry as anything this entire winter despite all the moisturiser I apply
  • Idea #754 on my List Of Ideas
  • Another day: did I get anything at all useful done? (The answer: most likely more than I’m giving myself credit for)
  • How on earth is it Thursday tomorrow?
  • Where has this week gone? Actually, scratch that — this year!


zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz


What keeps you awake at night? Do share!



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