
The $4.79 lunch-box-sized pack of blueberries that made my entire month

This is a story about a $4.79 oversized pack of blueberries that amped up my day. It’s about small things that make big differences, and it’s about taking the time to appreciate the good, especially in times that feel overwhelmingly difficult.

But first, some background.

It’s Sunday, October 17th, 2021, and after over 250 days in lockdown all up and Melbourne breaking the world record for the most locked down city in the world, there is an end in sight.

I’d forgotten how heavy I’ve been feeling until the Premier announced that things will start opening again here in Melbourne this Friday.

There won’t be massive changes yet, but just enough to give us something to look forward to. I’d also forgotten how much I missed having exciting things on the horizon. Oh, gosh, have I missed it!

Lockdown is the ultimate Groundhog Day, and in Groundhog Day all there is is repetition. When you’re living a life when one day merges with the next, but nothing much changes, it’s a challenging existence.

So I’ll take any positive changes at this point; we all will.

Listening to the new easing of restrictions, I felt lighter. The sun was out, blessing us all with its warmth, and basking the city streets in its glow.

On my usual errands out, people seemed happier. There appeared to be a buzz in the air, more patience among the grocery shoppers, extra kindness to the cashiers. But maybe I only noticed it because I was happier. It’s amazing how much we reflect onto the world.

I was in Aldi, doing my usual fruit and veg run when I found it. Yes, I’m talking about that pack of blueberries. It was an oversized pack, one I’d never seen before in that volume, so it was obviously a new product. Staring up at me from its shelf, it screamed abundance. And blueberries in abundance is always a good thing. I bought three packs, and it made my day. Or week, or month. Even loading them onto the conveyor belt felt satisfying.

I once heard someone describe filling their car tank with petrol as one of the best feelings. “You feel so rich with a full tank of petrol, you know?” They’d said. And I do know, because those lunch-box-sized packs of blueberries made me feel rich. Not in the typical sense. But they made me feel fulfilled, satisfied, satiated, like all my needs were suddenly met. And remember, we’re talking about fruit here!

There is no real purpose of this post. Or maybe there is. To me, it’s a reminder that small things can contribute to actual happiness. They won’t solve your biggest problems, but that’s not their purpose either. We all deserve a bit of happiness, especially during challenging times, and if we can get it from little things, there is everything right about it.

So, why not?


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