
Confessions of a lifetime Warrior

When it comes to my writing and what I share on this blog, I find there’s often something brewing in me before I actually sit down to write about it.

That is definitely the case for this post. I wasn’t even aware I wanted to write about anxiety when I pulled out my iPad just now.

But today I received a book I had ordered that is funny, heartwarming, and truthful on many levels. The book is called: “This book is for you” by ‘Worry Lines’ and it depicts anxiety so well, it has triggered me into addressing my own relationship with anxiety.

Like some of you, perhaps, I am a Long-Term Worrier. I’ve had anxiety for as long as I can remember. But maybe that also makes me — and anyone dealing with their demons — a Warrior, too? I like to think it does. Let me tell you, anxiety is not for the faint hearted!

Anxiety is constant. It rears its head countless times throughout the day (‘Remember me?’) Most of the time it follows me around like an unwanted house pet, but sometimes it feels like it has taken control of me completely, becoming MY master.

I know there are many of us out there, Long-Term Worriers/Warriors. It’s not something many people talk about, but of course that doesn’t mean there are only a select, chosen few who actually experience it. I think we all experience it, to a certain extent, often without even recognising it for what it is.

And, of course, there are varying degrees of it, too. There’s the mild anxiety of: “Did I forget to lock the front door?” to the much more extreme, “Help, I think I’m having a panic attack.”

But anxiety is anxiety, no matter how it decides to show its face. And in my opinion — it needs to be talked about more. So I’m here, I’m trying.

By not talking about it, all we’re actually doing is making those who struggle with it on the daily feel even more lost than they do already. But by talking openly about it, it actually helps validate the person experiencing it and everyone else around them. And we need more of that, no?

If there’s one thing this blog can achieve it is to validate feelings for what they are, not just mine, but anyone reading this. I try not to shy away from talking about strong feelings. It’s not always easy though, and I’m by no means a bench mark for how to openly discuss hard things. But I have a voice, just like you do, and this is mine.

Do I have any words of advice for someone going through it?

Well, I do and I don’t. I will say that nothing is magic in life, and there are no quick fixes or magic wands, although, like you, I wish there were. But I will also say that life is transient, and things change. So if you find yourself in a hard place for whatever reason, it will pass, because it always does.

There is help out there, there are people who can listen, and there are techniques you can learn to alleviate some of the stress. Does it take time? Well, yes, naturally. But doesn’t everything?

This was a serious post, I know. And there may be more similar themed posts in the future. So let me know if you’re interested in more serious posts like this!

And if this post resonated with you in any way, feel free to send me a message on here. I’m always happy to chat!

Until then, go buy that book!

No, seriously, you should.





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