
All the reasons in the world why I love Passover

photo of woman leaning on brown table
Photo by Pietro Tebaldi on Unsplash

Oops, I forgot. I actually don’t like it very much at all.


3 Responses

  1. 1. It’s a time to get together with friends and family.

    2. It’s a time to live freedom from many of modern day vices and trouble spots.

    3. It’s a time to venture above and beyond my normal restrictions and inhibitions.

    4. It’s a time to appreciate my connection to G-d.

    5. It’s a time to study and learn to be a better me.

  2. 1. I don’t have friends or family
    2.trauma makes it impossible
    3. It’s an accusation of what I can’t do and be, a triggering, disappointing time

  3. I hear you! You make some very valid points, as not everyone does have family or friends to celebrate with, trauma can be overwhelming, especially at a time that signifies freedom. Not my favourite time of year either, so I get it! Thanks for your comment, and I hope this Passover brings about something positive for you.

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