
10 quick and easy things to try when you’re not feeling up to scratch

It started with blinding headaches, moved into muscle and body aches, chills and sore throat. Yep, I’ve finally caught Covid.

I feel totally un-cool to have caught it two years after most of the population, but it’s rocked up and announced itself, and I’ve had no choice but to face it head on.

I’ve felt worse and then better and then worse again. But mostly, I just haven’t felt like myself.

But tonight I sat down and created this list. Like most of my writing, I made this list for myself to use as a reference point for the next time I need it.

But I’ve also made this list for you, in case you find yourself reading it and can relate in some way.

So, here’s my list of 10 quick and easy things to try when you’re not feeling up to scratch.

Not feeling like yourself can be exhausting and overwhelming. So I’ve tried to include small things that can make a difference to how you feel without exerting energy you just don’t have.

Here they are:

+ Change your pillowcase 

It can be hard to think about changing your entire bed linen when you’re feeling plain old yuck, so try changing just your pillowcase. It’s not the same as having freshly laid out sheets but it is something.

+ Throw in a load of laundry

Don’t worry about drying it now. Just put it on for the night and worry about it in the morning. Any progress is good progress.

+ Throw a mini pamper party (for yourself!)

Think long, hot shower, face masks, etc. Do it because it feels good, but also because you’re worth it.

Self love Sunday. Bath salts, vegan chocolate, tea and a book.
Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

+ Clear your space 

Ah, isn’t it easy to let things pile up when you feel terrible, capital T? Try tackling one space at a time and make sure you give yourself credit for every little thing along the way.

+ Drink more water than you think you need

It may not help you get better faster, but it will help you stay hydrated and that’s a big part of how you feel. Plus, it will help flush out some toxins.

+ Get some air 

Even if it just means standing outside for a few minutes, take some breaths of fresh air, look around at the world for a minute and remind yourself: this too shall pass.

+ Be ok with not being ok

Give in to it. Give in to yourself. Allow yourself to wallow in it, because it does suck, after all. Accept that things are hard this second and remind yourself you won’t always feel this bad. It will pass.

+ Light a candle

A little bit of simple luxury; use it to help relax. You can never go wrong with candles.

+ Open the windows

Things can feel stale pretty quickly when you’re home all day, so open the windows and let some fresh air circulate. It can’t be a bad thing, right?

+ Get semi-dressed 

Try not to stay in the same clothes all day. Even if it means having your “Day pyjamas” and your “Night pyjamas.” Trust me, it helps.

person wearing gray socks near acoustic guitar
Photo by Haley Powers on Unsplash

That’s it for now now, folks.

Let me know if you find any of these ideas useful in any way!

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