
What if we allowed God to direct our footsteps?

man driving car during rainy daytime
Photo by Thái An on Unsplash

I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve found myself in many uncertain situations and places over the years. And it’s hard. It’s hard to maintain perspective, especially at times when you really don’t see the reason or purpose of where you end up.

But here’s the thing: we were all put on this earth for a reason; that much I truly believe and know to my core. And we all come into contact with the people we were meant to meet. Yes, that precise person, at that exact moment in time.

In Hasidic Judaism this concept is referred to as Divine Providence. That knowledge that wherever you end up, for whatever reasons — that is exactly where you are meant to be. Down to the most minutiae of details. For reasons far beyond our control and understanding.

And there’s comfort in that knowledge. There’s comfort in knowing that there is a higher power that is directing our steps, a higher power that puts us where we need to be, every single step of the way.

Most of the time, I don’t think about this concept actively. I do believe in it wholeheartedly, but it’s not something I actively consider a lot of the time. And that’s likely because most of my life has been relatively lucky. Not in the typical sense, but in the sense that I’ve always had a roof over my head. I’ve always had family and a couple of good friends. And as an Orthodox Jew, I’ve been mostly protected from the harshness of the world. Yes, growing up sheltered is a privilege.

But in those times when things just don’t line up in an orderly fashion, when we plan and God laughs — those are the times I try to apply this concept to my life the most.

And I know we’ve all been there at many points in our lives.

So I’m proposing something radical: let God be your planner. Allow God to take over, because, let’s face it — he already has, without us even stopping to realise it.

This is the sign you've been looking for neon signage
Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

I’m not saying we shouldn’t try, because we should. And I’m not saying we shouldn’t plan, because it’s only natural to try to gain control over our circumstances. But I am proposing to take a back seat in this life of ours, and stop for a second to realise that God is the one in the driver’s seat, not us.

Whatever happens is meant to happen; simple as that. When we surrender our need to analyse and understand everything that happens to us, life becomes simpler, not to mention easier and far more meaningful.

Because wouldn’t you feel safer in the knowledge that there is a higher power in the picture that is directing you to where you need to go?

Something to think about!

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