Blog Day: July 29, 2023

white concrete lighthouse

Saying the hard things

I’ve been sitting here for the last 20 minutes, with my iPad open, my keyboard ready and a blank screen staring back at me. Even though there’s a lot on my mind, I really don’t know how or where to start. There’s been a lot going on in my personal life. Life is funny how it can feel almost boring when you sail through the regular up’s and down’s. Things can feel so routine; so ordinary. Like nothing much is happening at all. But the second things become rocky, all you want is for life to be uneventful. You start to crave that boring life. And for good reason. A boring life means a happy life, in many ways. As I sit here typing this, I’ve got all this playing on my mind. It’s a delicate balance writing about my personal life. There’s a fine line between sharing too much and just enough. And I’m tip toeing around that line right now. There’s a lot I want to write, a lot I want to say. I’ve spent a lot of Shabbat thinking about how to word this blog post. But maybe there is no ‘right’ or ‘easy’ way. Maybe there’s no other way than to jump right in and say the hard things.

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