
You’re not alone. How to ride the rough patches in life

A few months ago, I published a post titled: When hard times hit. It was about going through rough patches in life. It clocked up more views than any other post I’ve published here. Which got me thinking: maybe people can relate to it because we all go through difficult times?

This past week I hit another one of those rough patches. I didn’t want to write about it because I didn’t think I had much to say about it. (It sucked, life sucks sometimes. What else is there?) But it’s only now that I’ve come out the other end that I have a bit of perspective. So I’m sharing my thoughts.

I always say that if I could accomplish one thing through my writing it would be to help people feel less alone in their struggles. I say it, because I mean it. But the fact of the matter is that while I was in the midst of my own struggle recently, I felt swamped in loneliness. And I know I can’t be the only one to have that experience.

So, if you are reading this, and you’re also feeling stuck, just know that all things eventually pass, and you, too, will come out the other end of your experiences. It may not be easy, and it may not happen overnight, but these things pass, they always do. Even if you feel hopeless and alone and like the world is caving in on you, you will see the light of day again. It can’t stay dark forever. There will always be a new day, full of fresh beginnings. Wait and see.

Looking back on my week, I can now see that I had lots of small connections with people who cared about me. I just couldn’t see it at the time. One or two friends who didn’t know what I was going through sent me ‘Thinking of you’ messages. And again, while I appreciated the gesture, I couldn’t see that these people actually cared about me. I was so tangled in my own life, my own mess, it seemed impossible anyone else would understand, let alone care.

But people do care. We all have influence, and we all need each other to exist. We may not be able to appreciate our own influence, but it exists, nevertheless. We all want to make our mark on this world, and we all do — often in ways we aren’t even aware of. And sometimes, it just takes showing up to the world exactly as you are, without even trying, to make an impact on someone.

When this song came on my playlist tonight as I was cooking dinner, I immediately connected with the lyrics. I also happen to be having a major SIA moment these days. I listened to it on repeat like it was going be expire, and I’m still not tired of it. It feels like a mantra I need to hear, and one I know I’ll return to when I need to.

Take a listen, and let me know what you think.

And — if you happen to be feeling alone right now, feel free to send me a message through my contact page. Because, after all, nobody should have to feel alone in this world. There’s simply no reason for it.


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