
The winter self care checklist

clear glass mug with brown liquid inside
Photo by Svitlana on Unsplash

I’m going to come right out and say it: I’ve really been struggling this winter. The cold, coupled with the rain, wind and lack of proper sunshine is legit getting me down.

As the rain pelts down relentlessly outside, I’m finding it hard to keep my spirits up. Maybe you are too?

I’ve decided it’s high time I created my own winter self care checklist — a brain dump of all the ways we can better look after ourselves during these blustery winter months.

Here it is:

Indulge in the little things

Buy that hot chocolate. Linger in that warm cafe. Buy yourself that book you’ve been eyeing, or the brand new issue of your favourite magazine. Treat yourself to the small things, because the small things aren’t so small, are they?

Get creative

Start a new hobby or rekindle an old one. Try something new. Get a little creative and make sure to have fun along the way. Trust me, it’s worth the effort. And it’s always rewarding to see a finished product of something you worked hard on.

Find an exercise you enjoy and commit to it

Ah, that often dreaded word in the dead of winter: exercise. Yes, it’s hard to get out in crappy weather, but all the more reason to push yourself to try. Your body will thank you for the endorphins. Sounds a bit cheesy, I know, but God, is it true.

Be patient with your progress

Winter is a good time to be easier on yourself. So, while you may not be smashing your goals, just hang in there. All the small things you do add up and any progress is good progress. Just keep moving towards your goals.

Give yourself grace

Oh, how easy it is to expect so much from ourselves! But, does it really help? Give yourself grace this winter by stepping back and cutting yourself slack. You can only do so much and maybe now isn’t the time to ace your to-do list each day.

Do something enjoyable each day

Sounds so easy, right? But in the whirlwind of life, this is one thing that can often just slip under our radar without us even noticing. So try to have a bit of fun each day. Aim to do something you enjoy each day. Little things matter, so no need for grand gestures here.

And lastly:

Stay warm

Get cozy. Get comfy. Find a good read to escape into, and a good throw blanket to snuggle up with. We can’t control the weather but we can control our environment, so we may as well make it the most cozy and comforting place to be.

And hey, we’re half way to spring!


clear glass candle holder on brown wooden table
Photo by Shashi Chaturvedula on Unsplash

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