
The stages of lockdown as told by phases of the sky: A photo essay

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29th July, 2021, 2:30pm | Bourke St, Melbourne CBD

The surreal week between the two lockdowns when things reopened for a week. Decided to venture out to the city. City is a ghost town. The streets are empty, half the shops are not even reopened yet. Things are the same, but so different.

4th August, 2021, 1:15pm | Aspendale Beach
4th August, 2021, 1:15pm | Aspendale Beach
Again — that strange week between lockdowns. A very fresh winter’s day, I happen to be nearby, so I stop to take a look. The wind is icy and feels unsettling. Something is in the air, talk of going into another lockdown, but still so much uncertainty. I stay just long enough to get this photo.
Image of Elwood Beach 8th August, 2021, 2:12pm
Elwood Beach | 8th August, 2021, 2:12pm

Lockdown has officially started, and I’m feeling subdued and annoyed, but semi-hopeful. The permanence of it hasn’t fully sunk in, and the light peeking through these clouds makes me feel hopeful.

Tree in the Neighbourhood walk 17th August, 2021, 7:35p
17th August, 2021, 7:35pm | Neighbourhood walk
The moon is huge tonight, and I try to capture the moodiness of the sky. Feeling energised by my walk, I feel hopeful I can get through whatever comes my way.
Skys with clouds on St Kilda Beach
24th August, 2021, 2:43pm | St Kilda Beach
It’s been a week or two, lockdown has been extended, it’s still cold and wintery, and things are in a slump. But the sky is blue as anything and the sun is perfect circle, so things are semi-ok after all.
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29th August, 2021, 12:19pm | Neighbourhood street
I’m driving down the street around the corner from my house when I notice that the entire street is lined with blossoms. I park, get out of my car, and take this photo. It’s fresh out, but spring is definitely in the air, and things feel vibrant and exciting.
St Kilda Pier - St Kilda Beach
1st September, 2021, 3:30pm | St Pier Beach
Blue skies, shimmering water, perfect first day of spring. Lockdown is still happening but at the beach it just feels like a regular sunny day. I’m thankful that spring has finally arrived and that we live so close to this beautiful beach.
2nd September, 2021, 2:56pm | High St, Malvern
2nd September, 2021, 2:56pm | High St, Malvern
Running out of ideas of how to occupy myself, I drive to High St, then walk up and down it while glancing into all the closed shop windows. It’s a change of scenery, but it feels desperate, probably because it simply is. The closed signs in the shop windows is nothing short of depressing.
Sandringham Beach
23rd September, 2021, 2:40pm | Sandringham Beach

Hallelujah, we can now travel within 10km of our homes. So I google the nicest beach within 10km that I can find, (it’s only 8km away = score) and find this little oasis in my hometown that I’d never knew existed. It’s a gem, with expansive water views. The sun is shining and life feels pretty good.

Tonight, 7th October, 2021, 7:25pm | Neighbourhood walk
Tonight, 7th October, 2021, 7:25pm | Neighbourhood walk

Feeling stuck, I head out for a walk to try to bring some peace to my overall state of mind. Half way through, this sky catches my eye. I love how it looks, set against the black telephone wires.

It feels decidedly unfair that NSW is heading out of lockdown while VIC is still very much stuck. I’m happy for them but I want the same for us.

The walk helps. It gets me out of my funk. Turns out that taking this photo inspires me to create this post. I come home tired but filled with a new sense of resolve to just get through this. We can do it.


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