
In an age of fingertip-tech it’s time we looked within ourselves first

white and brown ceramic mug
Photo by Drew Jemmett on Unsplash

Are you like me? Opening apps for one second at a time in search of something — inspiration, ideas, flashes of brilliance? And then closing them just as quickly when you realise there’s none of that actually there. In an age of fingertip-technology, I vote it’s time we looked within ourselves first for answers.

Sounds cliche?

Let’s unpack this for a second.

These apps serve their purpose. They can aid in connection, a sense of community and sometimes even a feeling that we are not alone in our circumstances.

In this era of instant tech, things happen quickly — too quickly. Not liking a page? Exit it. Not finding the posts on your feed interesting? Unfollow. Feel a flash of inspiration? Share it. Post it. Like it. And then start all over again.

For platforms that were originally created for people to network and stay in touch, I can’t help but feel more alienated each time I find my fingers absentmindedly opening the same apps multiple times a day. Like, unlike, follow, unfollow, share. It doesn’t seem to end.

But what are we really gaining?

For me, it’s less each day. So I’ve cut back, stopped sharing so much, stopped interacting with others posts as much. Stopped caring as much too.

Social media has created a love hate affair within me, and for the most part today, it’s more hate than love.

Now that winter is here, introspection and early nights seem to be the option I’m choosing more. As an introvert, it feels natural to want to cocoon under blankets and watch silly sitcoms.

But there’s also something else stirring under the surface. I’m finding myself turning inward as I hibernate and slow down in these winter months.

For each post I scroll through, I’m finding myself wanting more real connections. It’s this feeling of craving actual connections that sometimes inspires me to start writing more consistently, maybe even creating my own newsletter.

Do I have things to say? Absolutely. Do I have the courage to share them? Maybe. Is it worth a try? I think so.

But for now, here I am, just plodding through, writing when I feel like it, and just trying to add warmth to my life in small ways.

Winter is definitely an introspective time for me. And for me, that means stopping the scroll, or at least slowing it. And stepping back to realise that I will never be everyone’s cup of tea.

And I’m reminding myself as I type this that all of this is ok. Sometimes it’s ok to just step back and travel inwards, searching for answers and finding them in small, unexpected places.

Animals need to hibernate during the winter months, humans are not that different. And as we gather our recourses and find our solid ground and the inner strength that lies within us, it’s important to remember that this is work too.

We may not be making fresh summer salads and smoothies from frozen berries, but we are gathering our strength so that when the weather starts to warm up again, we’ll have grown an outer shell that makes us more resilient to life itself.

So yes, for now I’m turning inward. And in this age of fingertip-technology it feels good to nurture this part of myself.

I’d love to hear how you’re getting through this winter. Do you love it, hate it? Do you find yourself being more of a home body? Feel free to share in the comments!

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