
I hope you wake in sunshine, and other small wishes for you

Image: Unsplash
Image: Unsplash

“I hope there are days when your coffee tastes like magic, your playlist makes you dance, strangers make you smile, and the mighty sky touches your soul. I hope there are days when you fall in love with being alive” – Brooke Hampton

This piece was inspired by the above quote by author, Brooke Hampton. I saw it first on Instagram and liked it, so I decided to create my own version. Here it is:

I hope you wake in sunshine, catching the first glimpse through stained glass windows, a kaleidoscope of colour. I hope it continues to surround you, trailing behind you like an invisibility cloak keeping you warm, that only you can feel. I hope the light guides your decisions, filters into the day’s mundaneness, and washes over everything with sparkles.

I hope you go to sleep content, under a blanket of warmth and stars. I hope some of the stars slip under your cover and tuck around you, keeping you nice and tight and cozy. I hope you fall asleep with a whisper of hope on your lips, and dream of beautiful things and places.

I hope there are days when the on-hold music while calling the doctor makes you feel like dancing, and the rhythm of life makes you deeply energised. I hope on those days, you dance instead of walk. I hope you carry that beat, hold onto that rhythm, and let it move you in ways nothing else can, with a smile that can’t stop jumping to your face. I hope you never feel ashamed to show the world your smile, even while so much suffering still exists.

I hope you learn to believe in yourself – truly believe. I hope you know it’s a sign of strength to show your vulnerability, if you ever feel the need to. I hope that for every hard day you have, there are ten times as many good days. I hope you never lose sight of the good days, even while you’re in the midst of a struggle. I hope you remember that good things are around the corner, even in times that feel dark.

I hope you feel amazing today, and every day. I hope there are days you wake up with a smile, for no other reason, except that it feels good to be alive. I hope you get feel invigorated from walking onto a crowded train, and zigzagging between the crowds in the city. I hope you realise you’re never really alone.

I hope you understand that it is the same you who survived all your hardships and pain, and the same you who has grown from them. I hope you never feel a friction between the two. I hope you always remember your worth, and I hope that in the days you don’t wake up to sunshine, you still remember the feeling of it. I hope you have more sunshine days than not, and, above everything, I hope you realise that the sunshine comes from you, first. And nothing and no one can change that.

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