
Here’s how my Lockdown Wardrobe Challenge is going so far

assorted-color shirt lot hang on rack
Photo by Marcus Loke on Unsplash

It’s only been a week since I last posted my Lockdown Wardrobe update. And yet, this week has felt weighty in its significance. Of course, this has nothing to do with my wardrobe challenge. 

I seriously considered skipping this entire segment because it feels frivolous and insensitive to talk about clothes when Melbourne has officially been labelled as a state of disaster. 

But — and here’s a big one — maybe that’s exactly why I should still be talking about my wardrobe dilemmas. The world is still turning, and life will always go on, no matter how fast it keeps on spinning.

So, here it is: Lockdown Wardrobe update number 3.

Here’s a couple of things that played on my mind this week:

Fashion is a (necessary) escape

There is nothing wrong with having something you’re passionate about. I love clothes, that’s one of my ‘things’. For me, fashion is an escape, amongst other things. I’d go as far as to say it’s a necessary escape, because it is necessary to have things you enjoy, don’t you think? 

Shopping is about recreation 

I slipped up this week, and bought a new pair of Vans. It was a conscious decision, and one that I justified, but it did go against my challenge guidelines, and I did feel a little guilty over it. But walking around the DFO ghost town, with 99% of the shops barricaded shut, and very few people around, I realised then and there that shopping, for me, is about recreation. It’s an activity I enjoy, even if I leave empty handed. 

In times of increased stress it’s essential to go back to basics 

This week was a hard one in Melbourne. While it’s easy to get lost in a mountain of stress, don’t neglect yourself in the process. It’s precisely in times of stress where it’s not just important, but essential, to go back to basics, and practice self care. 

It could mean fashion, or it could mean something different for you altogether. But don’t put yourself aside because things are tough. In fact, it should be the opposite. You are important, don’t let that slide. Go back to basics, and treat yourself right. It’s the only way.  

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