
3 reasons I don’t feel bad about giving up on my Lockdown Wardrobe Challenge

assorted-color clothes lot
Photo by Erica Zhou on Unsplash

I have a new confession to make: I officially, unofficially, gave up on my Lockdown Wardrobe challenge.

I was into it for a while, I really was. I took photos of my outfits, posted them on Instagram, put together about 2-3 weeks worth of new outfits, and blogged about my progress through it all. 

And it was fun — for a while. Well, kind of fun, at least. 

And then one day I realised something: it was my challenge, I made the rules, so I could also go ahead and be the one to break them. I could do whatever the hell I wanted with that challenge of mine. And yes, even if that meant giving up on it. 

Ok, ok, so maybe I’m sounding a bit dramatic here, forgive me. I guess what I’m saying is this: the challenge grew old, and I lost interest. Sounds simple, right?

Maybe this is just proof that after a while everything loses its lustre and shine, even wardrobe challenges.

New clothing purchases always seem fun and exciting at first, before losing their appeal in leaps and bounds with each consecutive wear. Considering not buying anything new was one of the main rules of my wardrobe challenge, it all kind of feels a bit ironic. 

It was also the hardest rule for me to actually keep. Which points to the fact that either I’m some kind of crazy shopaholic, or I’m just clothing-obsessed — probably both. 

But, to be completely honest, the main reason I gave up, is because it started feeling like work again, and in this lockdown period, I just didn’t need a new set of rules to abide by. In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s the very last thing I needed.

But here’s the thing: the experience wasn’t a complete fail. It may have been a half-fail, though. (Is there such a thing as a half-fail?)

Whatever the case is, I did it, it served its purpose, and now I can move on. I can choose to feel guilty over pressing the brakes on this one, but I’m choosing not to.

After all, there are enough things to feel guilty about in life. And my self imposed wardrobe challenge isn’t going to be one of them for me. 

Hey, don’t look at me like that. I’ve just eaten more dark chocolate than I’d care to admit, and I’ve got a lockdown on my hands!


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