
Assortment of arts and crafts

I started this blog in March, 2020.

It was a turbulent time in the world, and a difficult time in my personal life, too.

My writing became my anchor, literally grounding me. As the world continued to spin, the words tumbled out of me, patching up the cracks and holes, and helping me make sense of a world that just didn’t at the time.

Today, I continue to write because I have a vault of life experiences I’d like to slowly strip back and share. And I write because talking has never been the most natural way for me to do that. I write as a form of self-expression, of getting myself on paper, so to speak. It feels cathartic, fulfilling.

But you’re here now. And you’re reading this. My wish for you, my reader, is that you find little glimmers of something — hope, inspiration, or maybe something else, here in this space. And that you never feel alone, because if I could achieve one thing through my writing it would be to reassure people they never are.

Thank you for being here.