Blog Category: Corona

Sunday vibes

Can we just talk? I’d like to talk to you, but let’s stay behind screens

Ok, so, who’s exhausted? Depleted? Drained? Wiped out? Or all of the above? Or am I the only one? If you’re anything like me right now, you’ve probably had enough. You see, this Corona thing came along and stopped life, but life didn’t stop for it. And why should it? Life is known for marching on, and thankfully it does. Life goes on, regardless. Regardless of Corona, regardless of work, life, stress. Regardless of big battles, personal struggles and everything in between.

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gold round coins on white textile

Finding freedom and keeping it: Why freedom runs deeper than we think

A year ago, no one would have known what the term ‘stage four restrictions’ meant. Today, everyone here in Melbourne, knows it all too well. And honestly? It sucks. From a personal perspective, I had just gotten over the whole mask-wearing saga, and I was damn proud of myself for it, too. And now, just a few days later — this. It’s starting to feel suffocating, an experience I think we all know too well.

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girl holding red maple leaf

Superhero kids: why children are the real heroes of this pandemic

Have you heard of the Coronacoaster? One day you’re loving your bubble, doing workouts and baking sourdough, the next, you’re crying, drinking wine for breakfast, and missing people you don’t even like. Welcome to life on the Coronacoaster, A.K.A, 2020. I didn’t write that, someone on Instagram did, and it’s been shared around the internet, probably because it’s so relatable.

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