Blog Category: Happiness


In search of a wholesome life: 3 unexpected lessons learnt from visiting Vegas

We packed into the car, wheelies stuffed. One freeway turned into another as the mountains became the dessert. Yes, we were going to Vegas. And I had almost zero idea what to expect. Ears popping like candy, we finally pulled into Las Vegas itself, and, finally, the famous ‘strip.’ We’d made it to Vegas. And it felt like a milestone. Like something I’d love to tick off my bucket list, if only for the reason I could say I did it.

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black Ray-Ban Wayfarer sunglasses on beach sand

Jumping waves, beautiful beaches and finding home again

Last week my husband and I went away on holiday. It was refreshing to get away, see new things, stay somewhere new. I think most of the appeal of holidays is the ‘new’ factor: new roads, new turn offs, new town, new environment. It’s like taking yourself out of your routine slump, and pouring some new-ness over everything so that it shines again.

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camera, pair of brown shoes, white ceramic mug, grey and black pen, brown smoking pipe

Choose your own adventure: the post-lockdown series

Who remembers those Choose Your Own Adventure books? Did you read them in the 90s? I know I did. And they were fun! The basic idea was that you, the reader, got to choose which direction you wanted the story to go in, and by flipping to the right pages, you were transported there. Depending on which choices you made, you’d either get eaten by a dragon, chase the bad guys or take the safe route home. For kids, who don’t always get to choose their own destiny, these books were the ultimate escape. And the best part? There was an element of surprise with every turn of the page. But it was surprise without risk. Because they were books, after all.

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Beach umbrella seashore

The Lockdown Wake Up Call: it’s about enjoying the simple things

I had all the right intentions. I packed my iPad, zipped my keys and phone into the front pocket of its case, brought along my cooled water bottle, straight from the freezer, and drove to the beach. It was a familiar drive, one I could do without thinking. I’d come to the same beach, the same turn-off, dozens of time during the Melbourne Lockdowns. I arrived, pulled into one my usual spots, opened my iPad, turned my phone into a hotspot, played my usual writing playlist through Spotify, and…nothing. I literally wrote nothing. Or maybe I typed out a random sentence first, before seeing that my well thought out plan wasn’t going to eventuate. Not today.

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brown wooden A-frame ladder

Here’s all the reasons why I’m ditching perfection and choosing happiness

When I’m walking under a moonlit sky, just me and the night, and the moon is a perfect sliver hovering above like a guidepost, I’m choosing happiness. And when I remember I’m just a tiny speck in the cosmos of the universe, and feel simultaneously important and insignificant, and the endless night stretches out before me like a web of darkness, I’m choosing happiness then, too. In the times I’m alone, and it’s just me against the world, I’m choosing happiness. And when I wake up to a new day, and the sun is casting shadows on the walls, I’m choosing happiness all over again.

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Instant gratification and the quest for more stuff

I love stuff. I’m not a minimalist. I like colour, prints, patterns, and anything remotely pretty. I collect things, too – craft supplies, wrapping supplies, games, puzzles, fidget toys (yes, fidget toys – I know.) In fact, I love having small collections of things, don’t ask me why.

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