Blog Category: Life


How a disappointing university course taught me some surprising life lessons

The task was simple enough. It wasn’t meant to be a drama. It wasn’t even a big project, or worth a ton of marks. But it was close to 11pm, and I was still at uni, with the last of the stragglers, plugging away at a multimedia assessment that was beyond my capabilities.The task was to create a two minute audio clip that told a story. I had a plan for it. It was about a young woman entering a coffee shop and hearing a song over the speakers that connected with her, and walking out slightly changed because of it.

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woman in red leaves during daytime

101 helpful things to do if you’re feeling down in the dumps

We’ve all been there, right? Woken up to days that just turn out…’BLAH’. Neither terrible or amazing, just downright, frustratingly B-L-A-H. I love creating lists, so I’ve put together a comprehensive one for all the disappointing days you may encounter. Here are a bunch of ways to combat that dreaded feeling of getting nowhere, and chase it away completely if you’re lucky. You can do this!

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Chasing time? Here’s why you need to slow down and breathe

Chasing time, running, always running. Juggling, always juggling, trying to keep all the balls in the air at all times – and failing, inevitably. No matter what, there was always too much to remember, to keep track of. Making lists upon lists, crossing something off, writing a new thing on.

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Why living in a state of limbo isn’t as bad as it sounds

I’m in Limbo. Yes, me and the rest of the world. We’re all in a complete state of pure and utter in-between-ness, stuck in this weird, surreal phase of moving forward and going backwards at the same time – or so it feels. If there were ever a time for contradictions, apparently this is it.

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If the world was ending, you’d come over, right?

It seems like a lifetime ago, when in fact it’s only been a few months. It all came on so suddenly, too suddenly. One second we were getting lattes and lunches, the next we were glued to our TV screens, and wandering aimlessly through apocalyptic supermarkets, the empty shelves a glaring reminder of our harsh reality — “a new normal.”

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Yellow Roller Coaster

Life is a roller coaster: Welcome to the ride

Without going into the nitty gritty, It’s been a hard couple of months for me. In many ways, I feel like I’m back to where I started a few weeks ago. Nothing major or substantial has changed in my surroundings.

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