Blog Category: Music therapy

black cordless headphones on brown wooden chair
Music therapy

Top 5 dance tracks to get you moving and happy no matter where you are

Have you tried any kitchen-dancing lately? I’d highly recommend it. Especially if you happen to be in a funk, like I am at the moment. It’s nothing terrible, this funk of mine, just a typical under-the-weatherness. You know the type, I’m sure. It’s subtle, invisible, almost imperceptible but annoying like anything. So, I did the only practical thing I could tonight: I turned on this exact playlist, raised the volume, put my phone to rest on the kitchen counter, and just, you know — danced.

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white airliner on runway
Music therapy

Music therapy? Top 5 tracks to make you feel all the feels

Anyone up for some music therapy? I loved creating my pensive playlist, and my uplifting playlist, so, here’s another one. This time it’s about the feeling behind the music. All these tracks make me feel something, they move me in some way. Maybe they’ll do the same for you. I’m listening to this exact playlist on Spotify as I type this. This one is a personal playlist, because each of these songs have featured at different times in my life. Music is like that — it really does create a soundtrack for living. These tracks appeared when I needed them to, and held me through times I was reaching for a lifeline.

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low-angle photo of pink and orange balloons
Music therapy

Top 5 uplifting songs to make you feel good

I had a lot of fun creating my pensive playlist here on the blog, so here is it’s counterpart — The Uplifting Playlist. These tracks all manage to put me in a good mood. The thing they all have in common for me is their addictive tunes — the type that draws you in, catches your attention so that it focuses on nothing else but the music, and lifts you higher. I can listen to each of these tracks five times in a row and get more uplifted each time. They also all have backing music that makes me want to get up and dance, or, in a more likely scenario, power walk up a hill, while trying not to bop around to the music so that other people look at me weirdly. All these tracks make me happy when I listen to them. I hope they do the same for you. Have a listen, if you so wish, and let me know your thoughts.

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people on red and beige air balloons
Music therapy

Top 5 pensive songs to listen to when you’re just plain sad

A different kind of post today. I’ve created my own playlist to share with you. Music is a huge part of my life. It’s something that’s lifted me in my joyful times, and made me feel understood in the times I was struggling. It’s always been the soundtrack to my life. Music is a universal language, it’s a language accessible to everyone. It’s something we can all connect with. It helps us feel understood in reassuring and fundamental ways. And in a way, that alone is enough to help us feel connected to a greater whole, a bigger purpose.

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