Blog Category: Positivity

gray book wrapped with red ribbon beside teallight candle

Little Box Of Happiness: A guide to creating your own

A Little Box Of Happiness, is, quite simply, exactly how it sounds. It’s super simple to make one of your own, by collecting a bunch of objects that make you happy, and storing them in a box. Here’s a few quick ideas: Choose a box that you love, maybe something that reflects your personality. Fill it with little things that spark joy for you in some way. Each thing should have a special place in your heart. For example, if you choose to include a journal, let it be a favourite one, and pair it with a pen you absolutely love.

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I hope you wake in sunshine, and other small wishes for you

I hope you wake in sunshine, catching the first glimpse through stained glass windows, a kaleidoscope of colour. I hope it continues to surround you, trailing behind you like an invisibility cloak keeping you warm, that only you can feel. I hope the light guides your decisions, filters into the day’s mundaneness, and washes over everything with sparkles.

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Hope and light: A prayer for you

May you walk in peace even when your heart is shaking. May you never feel fearful or alone, never feel distant or afraid. May you always remember that even as you walk in shadows, with not a light in sight, that the light inside you will illuminate your spirit. May you always get up after you fall, knowing instinctively that you are far stronger than you will ever realise 

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