Blog Category: Possessions

brown Henry paper bag

Did you miss shopping during lockdown? I did, but not for the reasons you may suspect

Ok, I’m going to come right out and say this: I seriously missed shopping during our 3 month stretch of lockdown here in Melbourne. It may sound shallow, superficial or just plain desperate, and perhaps it’s all three, but I missed it more than I’d care to admit. And let’s just say, that’s A LOT. But it might not be exactly what you think. Let me explain. Shopping is recreation for me. It’s a hobby, a pastime, an activity. I generally enjoy shopping alone, because shopping is time out for me; it’s just plain relaxing. I like being surrounded by pretty things. It’s an inspiration to walk through a shop and see the new styles. It’s a sensory experience too — hearing the background music, taking in the colours and designs, feeling the fabrics…

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Instant gratification and the quest for more stuff

I love stuff. I’m not a minimalist. I like colour, prints, patterns, and anything remotely pretty. I collect things, too – craft supplies, wrapping supplies, games, puzzles, fidget toys (yes, fidget toys – I know.) In fact, I love having small collections of things, don’t ask me why.

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