Blog Category: Real Talk

woman in pink dress standing on brown grass field during daytime
Real Talk

Conquering fears and managing phobias: A lesson in letting go

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been afraid of anything medical related. When I was younger it was almost debilitating. It felt shameful and embarrassing, like a secret I didn’t want to share. I tried not to let on how much it horrified me. So I lived with it instead, and it weighed me down without me even realising it.

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oil tanker ship
Real Talk

When hard times hit

I started this blog with a silent pledge to be as honest and as open as I can be. I wanted it to be a place where I could tackle hard topics, and not shy away from being real. I wanted to use my writing to reach people who may benefit from it in some way, if only to make them realise they’re not alone. And to this day, it’s one of my motivators to continue writing. Because no matter how small my platform is, I recognise it still exists, and I want to use it for the good. I want to use it to promote change. And all change needs to start somewhere.

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woman holding a cup of coffee at right hand and reading book on her lap while holding it open with her left hand in a well-lit room
Real Talk

The Productivity Treadmill: 3 reasons why you need to stop

You’re tired. You’ve done a lot — too much, in fact. You are busy making your way through list after list, wading through piles of ‘to-do’s,’ working yourself to the ground in the process — stop. Seriously, it’s time to stop. I know, because I’ve been there — too many times. It can feel almost addictive, running on the Productivity Treadmill. But the rush of energy isn’t endorphins — it’s adrenaline, and it’s likely to be pushing you over the edge. Does this sound like you, or something you’ve dealt with in the past? Here are 3 reasons why you need to get off the Productivity Treadmill, and allow yourself a ‘Get nothing done’ day.

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Money coin plant vase
Real Talk

Awkward over money? How being open about money can lead to a life of abundance

It is one of the most basic and fundamental needs, and it impacts even the most mundane decisions. And yet, I cringe every time I have to say the word “money.” Money. It’s just a word, but it’s become like a dirty word for me. I still can’t bring myself to say it, especially out loud. Even in situations where it’s the most appropriate word to use, I’ll say “payment” or “bank transfer” instead. But I’m far from the only one. A quick google search brings up pages and pages of links to people who feel the same as I do about money — interesting.

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