Blog Category: Uncategorized

Fame, glory and survival: the Olympics and the game of life

Like a lot of the world this week, I’ve been pretty hooked on watching the Olympics this August. The fame, glory, survival and undying passion of the Olympians makes for compelling TV, at least for me. And the pace, buzz, and ongoing live commentary has an almost meditative effect on me. The emotions run high at the Olympics — the highs are exhilarating, the low, crushing, and watching it feels like being privy to the athletes inner world. Which just happens to be broadcasted around the world.

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clear glass mug with brown liquid inside

The winter self care checklist

I’m going to come right out and say it: I’ve really been struggling this winter. The cold, coupled with the rain, wind and lack of proper sunshine is legit getting me down. As the rain pelts down relentlessly outside, I’m finding it hard to keep my spirits up. Maybe you are too? I’ve decided it’s high time I created my own winter self care checklist — a brain dump of all the ways we can better look after ourselves during these blustery winter months. 

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person hand holding photo frame

In case of emergency: stop, drop and breathe

Have you ever felt like you’re coming up against a brick wall? Maybe you know what I mean; maybe you don’t. I’m referring to periods of time that are just plain hard. Things are going on — too many things, in fact, and you feel like you just can’t keep up. Sometimes events are layered on top of each other like a mountain that gets bigger with every sandstorm. Or sometimes, it’s just one very large, seemingly unmovable mountain that won’t seem to budge, no matter how many times you try to find a way around it.

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white concrete lighthouse

Saying the hard things

I’ve been sitting here for the last 20 minutes, with my iPad open, my keyboard ready and a blank screen staring back at me. Even though there’s a lot on my mind, I really don’t know how or where to start. There’s been a lot going on in my personal life. Life is funny how it can feel almost boring when you sail through the regular up’s and down’s. Things can feel so routine; so ordinary. Like nothing much is happening at all. But the second things become rocky, all you want is for life to be uneventful. You start to crave that boring life. And for good reason. A boring life means a happy life, in many ways. As I sit here typing this, I’ve got all this playing on my mind. It’s a delicate balance writing about my personal life. There’s a fine line between sharing too much and just enough. And I’m tip toeing around that line right now. There’s a lot I want to write, a lot I want to say. I’ve spent a lot of Shabbat thinking about how to word this blog post. But maybe there is no ‘right’ or ‘easy’ way. Maybe there’s no other way than to jump right in and say the hard things.

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bokeh photography of person holding fireworks

Reflecting on a year that was: a lesson in light and shadows

It’s the start of the Jewish New Year tonight, so I thought I’d write some thoughts reflecting on the year that was. It was a big year in many ways, and also a year where not too many big things actually happened. Or at least not visible things to the outside world. Because while a lot has evolved in my personal life this year, the changes were mostly internal. It was a challenging year, one filled with lots of up’s and down’s and in between’s. Life has a way of being like that at the best of times. But as I sit here typing this, there’s a lot I want to say, but I don’t feel like I have the words to say it in a way that will give this year justice.

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When things go wrong before they go right again

It’s been a heck of a month! Well, a couple of months, to be more precise. When it rains, it most definitely pours, that much I learnt pretty quickly early. And the other old adage: Man plans, God laughs — also too applicable for words right now. Without going into details, I’ll just say that the past 3 months have been some of my hardest yet. 

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The $4.79 lunch-box-sized pack of blueberries that made my entire month

This is a story about a $4.79 oversized pack of blueberries that amped up my day. It’s about small things that make big differences, and it’s about taking the time to appreciate the good, especially in times that feel overwhelmingly difficult. But first, some background. It’s Sunday, October 17th, 2021, and after over 250 days in lockdown all up and Melbourne breaking the world record for the most locked down city in the world, there is an end in sight.

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The dark side of lockdown

I was speaking to my New York based brother on the phone before Rosh Hashana. “So, how are you dealing with lockdown number 31?” He asked. “Do you mean lockdown number 301?” I joked. “I’m not even treating it like a lockdown anymore, to be honest. This is just life right now.” I boasted. The truth is, it was “just life right now” because he happened to catch me at a good moment, when things felt…ok. Things were cruising, at least temporarily, and I was taking them in my stride — at that moment. You see, lockdown life is like that. One second we’re acting like zenned out tai-chi masters, the next it’s all why-is-the-world-coming-to-an-end.

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woman in white red and black floral dress standing on gray rock near body of water

Does thriving on routine equal a balanced life?

Hi, my name is Chanee, and I thrive on routine. I’m one of those boring creature of habit types, who like things done a certain way. And once I have a system for it, I stick to it. Naturally, my day is full of systems. I’ve got a routine for mornings and for bedtimes, for showers, lunches, and everything in between. I even listen to exact same playlist that I created when I write these blog posts, the one I’m listening to right now, in fact.

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